There are many opportunities to support the band and the band parent organization. Very few of the positions take great skill—most only require people to show up and put in a little effort.
All volunteers need to complete this school required volunteer form.
Volunteer form
Volunteers are recruited through sign up genius sign ps that are sent out through Parent Square. (If you are not receiving communications regarding the band contact the band directors.)
Band camp
Snack coordinator—We provide snacks and drinks daily during band camp. The Snack coordinator makes sure everything is set up and ‘runs the show’.
Snack set up/tear down—Additional help setting up and distributing the snack.
First aid—Someone to assist if a child has a medical issue such as overheating or a blister, etc.
Uniform fitting—Assist in assigning individual uniform pieces to each marcher.
Football games
Uniform—Assist in making sure marchers are ‘uniform ready’.
Equipment—Assist in moving eqiupment to and onto the field for performance.
Warrior World—Sell Waukee apparel at the football stadium. Profits benefit the band.
Guard assistance—Guard does hair and make up. Parentel assistance is beneficial.
Uniform—Assist in making sure marchers are ‘uniform ready’.
Equipment—Assist in moving eqiupment to and onto the field for performance.
Driving semi—Driving the Regiment trailer to competitions. Must be able to provide own tractor.
Guard Assistance—Guard does hair and make up. Parentel assistance is beneficial.
See complete listing of volunteer needs and description here.
SCIBA junior high honor band
Concessions—Food and drink during the honor band tryouts.
SCIBA jazz
Concessions—Food and drink during the event.
Room monitors—Provide announcers, ‘door people’ and misc other support.
Waukee Winter Showcase
Concessions—Food and drink during the event.
Room monitors—Provide announcers, ‘door people’ and misc other support.