Band Parent Board

  •  President — Steve Kohtz -

    • Sets meetings agendas, runs meetings. Has signature backup ability to write checks or get money in absence of Treasurer.

  • Vice President— James Mohammed

    • Runs meetings in absence of President. Has signature backup ability to write checks or get money in absence of Treasurer.

  • Secretary— Stacy Pearce -

    • Takes notes at board meetings, distributes notes to BPO members who have signed up for them.

  • Fundraising — Pamela Kolli & Margaret Crawford -

    • Organize and drive the fundraising events for the band and BPO.

  • Treasurer— John Crawford -

    • Manages the monetary account balances.

  • WMI (Waukee Marching Invitational) — Perry Ross & Allie Prohaska

    • Assists with the planning, preparation and event day logistics for the BPO’s largest single day fundraiser that usually occurs in October.

  • Concessions — Jason Gulliford & Thinh Ngueyen

    • Concessions are needed throughout the year. Works with the directors or chairs of the event to plan out the concessions depending on the size of expected crowd, weather, time of and length of event.

  • Equipment/Roadies — Jon and Teresa Koch

    • In charge of coordinating with directors what instruments/props are needed.

  • At-Large Representatives — Ruth Webb & Kevin Chaloupecky

    • The representatives for the elementary and intermediate directors and parents. Provides BPO related news/information to directors and parents at those schools.

  • Uniforms — Kylene Blanchard & Lynette Kohtz

    • In charge of organizing and distributing uniforms to kids.

  • Volunteer Coordinator — Sheri Steger

    • Works with band directors and other committees on volunteer needs for band events. Develops and maintains sign-ups for various events.

  • Warrior World— Bill Mabuce —

    • In charge of ordering clothing and accessories and coordinating during home football games and other events.

  • Winter Showcase — Kylene Blanchard —

    • Helps plan and coordinate this color guard and percussion fundraiser event for the BPO.

  • Website/Rev-Trak — Heidi Gulliford —

    • Update the website and facilitate set up of RevTrak information.